Study on the effects of pixel processing order when losslessly compressing a grayscale image


Processing orders


Full essay (in spanish)

This is my IB Extended Essay and also my Treball de Recerca for the Spanish Baccalaurete. The title is pretty-much self-describing, I studied, by experimenting with a custom compression format, the effects that the order in which the pixels of an image are processed has when compressing the image using lossless algorithms. Due to time and length limitations I had to limit myself to grayscale images, the results were interesnting nonetheless.

Be aware that this was not a univeristy project and when I wrote it I had to do it so it could be understood with minimal previous knowlege of compression. When adding to this the fact that I had a hard 4000 word limit, the result is that most of the project does not talk about the experiment itself but the concepts needed to understand it.

In order to perform the experiment I had to develop a custom compression format along with a program to codify images to and from it. The code can be found in the link below. Unfortunately, due to limitations in what could fit in the essay I was unable to justify most design decisions.